Training with NeurOptimal® helps improves brain flexibility which makes us stronger and more resilient. It helps us adapt more easily to situations around us, feel calmer, less reactive, and able to cope better with the challenges life throws at us.
At BrainFiT® Consultancy we offer support and training to all, regardless of age or your mental, physical, and emotional condition. NeurOptimal® is used by individuals who feel they are not functioning at their best, including many adults and children with severe impairments, who want a drug-free approach to feeling and functioning optimally. Because of the innovative way it works it can bring positive changes into all areas of your life, and often new competencies. It's non-evasive and 100% safe - and as the expertise is built into the system it requires very little input from you - you simply relax and enjoy the experience - knowing the focus of sessions is firmly on your training - empowering you to be your best you.
Training with NeurOptimal® helps improves brain flexibility which makes us stronger and more resilient. It helps us adapt more easily to situations around us, feel calmer, less reactive, and able to cope better with the challenges life throws at us.
At BrainFiT® Consultancy we offer support and training to all, regardless of age or your mental, physical, and emotional condition. NeurOptimal® is used by individuals who feel they are not functioning at their best, including many adults and children with severe impairments, who want a drug-free approach to feeling and functioning optimally. Because of the innovative way it works it can bring positive changes into all areas of your life, and often new competencies. It's non-evasive and 100% safe - and as the expertise is built into the system it requires very little input from you - you simply relax and enjoy the experience - knowing the focus of sessions is firmly on your training - empowering you to be your best you.
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BrainFiT® for Life
Supporting learning and development and helping to create better interactions in families
NeurOptimal® neurofeedback aims to help individuals improve emotional, behavioural and cognitive functioning by promoting optimal brain regulation and function, and this can have a huge impact on families training together.
Some of the most relevant benefits for families reported include:
Improved relationships and family dynamics
Increased concentration and mental focus
Better interactions with parents and peers
Improved learning and retention of information
Less reactivity to difficult situations
More creativity - in arts and at play
Improved sports performance
Better decision making skills - teens
Reduced anxiety
Sleeping well
Improved relationships
People who have ongoing interaction with each other can greatly benefit from using NeurOptimal®. As each person in the group advances with their Training, they tend to notice a shift in the dynamics and harmony of the group. People get along better, there are fewer outbursts and communication is clearer between the members.
Focus & Concentration
An optimally functioning brain can help with focus, engagement and increasing attention span. Students of all ages learn faster and more effectively, and more of what is learned is retained. Parents report that their child’s brain tends to function more optimally the more they train; while teachers notice a shift in their classroom behaviour. The NeurOptimal® process helps the child to learn a different method of functioning at their best when Training with NeurOptimal®.
Not only for those who struggle
Because Neurofeedback Training supports the organic learning process by assisting with concentration and mental focus, the students who are doing well at school also use NeurOptimal® as a critical tool to continually improve their artistic and sports performance. NeurOptimal® is 100% drug free and has no known side effects.
School is not the only place parents notice shifts in their children when using NeurOptimal®. Clients report better sleep, increased sports performance, better peer relations, less reactivity to difficult situations, less arguing and resistance and an overall increase in happiness, sense of self, and maturity level. Clients also report better decision-making skills in teens.
Reduces anxiety and helps stress management
It's not just the children in families who need help right! Training with NeurOptimal® will benefit the whole family. It increases flexibility in the brain which makes us stronger and more resilient, better able to adapt and cope with changes around us. This helps us be more calm, less anxious and much better at fighting stress - essential armoury for the challenges of every day life.

NeurOptimal® and Teens
Being a teenager was never easy! Moodiness, resistance and insecurity in our teenagers can all be indicators of teen stress or other issues.
Teen stress is overlooked and its impact on mental and physical health is often underestimated. Potential causes of stress in teenagers can be related to academic life, social life, sexual identity or even related to trauma, family discord and world events (such as this current pandemic). Your teen may appear agitated, anxious, depressed or withdrawn. They may be struggling with negative peer pressure, as well as juggling with pressure to perform in sports and academia. Don’t ignore it or sweep it under the rug!
“My Mum brought home this tablet computer & sensors. She asked me to try it. I thought it would be a waste of time. But then I tried it. It felt like a nice break from everyone and everything. I didn’t change but how I felt changed.”
A NeurOptimal® Teen & User

Train for healthy ageing of body & mind
Of all the things that people fear about growing old, losing their mental faculties is right at the top of the list. These problems were just thought to be an inescapable part of growing old, with nothing that anyone could do about it. Compared to even ten years ago, the medical community has made gigantic leaps in what they understand about how the human brain and the nervous system actually work.
This is an ongoing process, but even now, we know that it is possible to slow the effects of cognitive decline as a person enters their “golden years” and possibly much further. A top priority for older adults is not anti-aging—it is about maintaining capacities to function independently. NeurOptimal® can offer a way to support healthy ageing of body and mind.
For those looking to enhance their daily health and wellness, Neurofeedback Training can be an excellent supplement to a healthy diet and exercise routine.
NeurOptimal® is not a treatment and does not target any specific issue, but because of the innovative way it works, many beneficial outcomes can emerge that are appropriate for that individual.
For wellness, mindfulness and personal transformation
NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback encourages an overall positive mental outlook and a deeper understanding of the mind/body connection. benefits of Training include stability, flexibility, adaptability and greater resilience.
For those looking to enhance their daily health and wellness, Neurofeedback Training can be an excellent supplement to a healthy diet and exercise routine.
NeurOptimal® is not a treatment and does not target any specific issue, but because of the innovative way it works, many beneficial outcomes can emerge that are appropriate for that individual.
Add value to your business with BrainFiT®
NeurOptimal® sessions are a great way to add value to your current Client service offering. BrainFiT® offer packages for system rentals and sales and training for anyone wishing to become an expert and use within their own business.