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Mental health & well-being

Training with NeurOptimal® helps improves brain flexibility, which makes us stronger and more resilient. It helps us adapt more easily to situations around us, to feel calmer, less reactive, and to be able to better cope with the challenges that life throws at us. 

Neurofeedback brain training for all

At BrainFiT® Consultancy, we offer support and training to all, regardless of age or your mental, physical and emotional condition. NeurOptimal® is used by individuals who feel that they are not functioning at their best, including many adults and children with severe impairments who want a drug-free approach to feeling and functioning optimally.

Positive change in all aspects of your life

Because of the extremely innovative way NeurOptimal® works, it can bring positive changes into all areas of your life and often with it, new competencies. It is non-invasive and 100% safe - and as the expertise is built into the system, it requires very little input from you. You simply relax and enjoy the experience, knowing that the focus of sessions is firmly on your training. 

Tackling the symptoms of diagnosed conditions with NeurOptimal®

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Helps your brain treat the core problem, not mask the symptoms

NeurOptimal® neurofeedback aims to help individuals improve emotional, behavioural and cognitive functioning by promoting optimal brain regulation and function. Since NeurOptimal® neurofeedback is a process that helps the brain to change itself through neuroplasticity and learning, it actually aims at treating the core problem rather than simply masking symptoms. This creates long-term shifts in brain/behaviour that stay with the user after the training has stopped. 

Many of the individuals and families who train with us at BrainFiT® are suffering from diagnosed conditions such as anxiety, ADHD, depression, PTSD and the menopause, and are finding NeurOptimal® neurofeedback a more natural way to alleviate the symptoms of their conditions.

The reason NeurOptimal® works for so many is because it is a training for the brain, not a treatment.  It doesn't require a diagnosis and does not target any specific issue. Instead, it works dynamically with your brain and central nervous system to improve self regulation, reorganise and enhance flexibility and resilience.  NeurOptimal® helps the brain adjust and make the changes that are right for you. This unique way of working means that many positive and life-changing outcomes can emerge. 


Some examples include:

  • Increased positivity and better moods,

  • Feeling stronger and more resilient,

  • Coping better with stress and everyday life,

  • Enhanced ability to focus on individual tasks with improved concentration,

  • Reduced stress and anxiety,

  • Less overwhelm,

  • Ability to multitask,

  • Finding it easier to cope with change,

  • Slowing the effects of ageing,

  • A clearer mind without brain fog,

  • Improved memory performance,

  • Faster recall of information,

  • Reducing the symptoms of menopause (particularly brain fog, memory loss, mood swings and night sweats).

Is your brain under or over aroused?

Your brain state, or the degree of brain stimulation at any one time, can dramatically affect your quality of life. Training helps your brain to recognise where it is under or over stimulated in certain states, and it responds by adjusting itself appropriately. Over time your brain learns to do this more naturally to avoid dramatic shifts in states so it moves fluidly between tasks. When your brain responds in this way it can enhance the functioning of both mind and body and alleviate symptoms so we feel a whole lot better in ourselves.

Individuals experiencing symptoms of under-arousal tend to have excess theta brain waves and decreased beta brain waves.

Examples of an ‘under-aroused’ brain:

  • ADHD,

  • Poor concentration,

  • Inattentiveness,

  • Distractibility,

  • Frequent day dreaming,

  • Spaciness/ fogginess,

  • Forgetfulness,

  • A lack of motivation,

  • Depression / low mood,

  • Lethargy,

  • Overly sensitive / feelings easily hurt,

  • Frequently wake at night,

  • Not feeling rested after sleep,

  • Falling asleep in low stimulation situations,

  • Low self-esteem.


Individuals experiencing symptoms of over-arousal tend to have excess beta brain waves and decreased Sensorimotor rhythm (SMR) brain waves. Improving efficiency allows the mind and body to be more relaxed and calmer, yet alert at the same time.


Examples of an ‘over-aroused’ brain:​

  • Busy mind / many competing thoughts,

  • Impulsiveness,

  • Fidgety,

  • Hyperactivity,

  • Easily bored,

  • Risk seeking behaviour,

  • Impatience,

  • Agitated,

  • Aggressiveness,

  • Anxiety / fearfulness,

  • Feeling tense,

  • Feeling overwhelmed,

  • Frequent tension headaches,

  • Holding resentments,

  • Difficulty in falling asleep.

If you suffer from any of the symptoms above on a consistent or regular basis, or a mixture of both, then NeurOptimal® neurofeedback training could provide a pathway to a steadier, more effective and productive daily life, with more manageable moods, emotions and behaviours.

*Currently available to clients based in London and the South East

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