Training with NeurOptimal® helps improves brain flexibility which makes us stronger and more resilient. It helps us adapt more easily to situations around us, feel calmer, less reactive, and able to cope better with the challenges life throws at us.
At BrainFiT® Consultancy we offer support and training to all, regardless of age or your mental, physical, and emotional condition. NeurOptimal® is used by individuals who feel they are not functioning at their best, including many adults and children with severe impairments, who want a drug-free approach to feeling and functioning optimally. Because of the innovative way it works it can bring positive changes into all areas of your life, and often new competencies. It's non-evasive and 100% safe - and as the expertise is built into the system it requires very little input from you - you simply relax and enjoy the experience - knowing the focus of sessions is firmly on your training - empowering you to be your best you.
Training with NeurOptimal® helps improves brain flexibility which makes us stronger and more resilient. It helps us adapt more easily to situations around us, feel calmer, less reactive, and able to cope better with the challenges life throws at us.
At BrainFiT® Consultancy we offer support and training to all, regardless of age or your mental, physical, and emotional condition. NeurOptimal® is used by individuals who feel they are not functioning at their best, including many adults and children with severe impairments, who want a drug-free approach to feeling and functioning optimally. Because of the innovative way it works it can bring positive changes into all areas of your life, and often new competencies. It's non-evasive and 100% safe - and as the expertise is built into the system it requires very little input from you - you simply relax and enjoy the experience - knowing the focus of sessions is firmly on your training - empowering you to be your best you.
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Singing, acting, dancing and instrumental performances demand dynamic relaxation and total present-moment awareness. Without being able to achieve the relaxation response while in front of an audience, it is much harder to be spontaneous, easy going, have fun with yourself or be as masterful. This level of skilled ease can take years for some performers given the natural level of anxiety that performing in front of a live audience invokes.
At some point in one's life, every artist risks finding themselves feeling blocked or limited by their internal voice or environment—a creative block; however, regular and consistent brain training can help with the flexibility that we call creativity. It can also give you the ability to confidently access your inner voice and physical reaction, allowing you to display your talent with fluency and finesse.
It may sound overly simple; however, this fully aware, present place of calm and comfort allows performing artists to find that internal place that leads to feeling relaxed and fully present. As an artist, creativity can be defined as being flexible, quick witted, precise and articulate, so it is important to feel calm and relaxed throughout that process. NeurOptimal® is a technology that mathematically mirrors the language of our nervous system, tapping into the ability to use our own language without judgement or fear.
NeurOptimal® trains your brain, which can significantly help you ameliorate the self-induced pressure of deadlines and production intensity. Training can help you stay in a productive flow state while exhibiting stamina and exuding confidence. When the clock is ticking and the demands of directors, producers, designers and peers are swarming around you, this training can help you more easily transcend stress, tension and fear. NeurOptimal® assists in training our brain to recognise a relaxed focused, while at the same time remaining resilient to stress. It builds up a well of stamina that we can rely upon. You become a calming and yet grounding influence to your colleagues and to your audience. Your ‘calm assertive’ persona allows all those around you to be influenced, creating a ripple affect that can be contagious. Be the best artist you can be with NeurOptimal®!