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NeurOptimal Advanced Brain Training Systems

Advanced Brain Training

Individual sessions

Life-changing Neurofeedback Brain Training, Professional Certification, System Sales and on-going support from the UK's leading authority and official representatives for NeurOptimal® Dynamical Neurofeedback®

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BrainFiT Neurofeedback

Whether you're looking to train with us, rent a system to use at home, or buy or lease a system to start a business of your own, we're here to guide you through the process with a premium level of support, expertise and care that will help you get the most from NeurOptimal®.

*Currently only available to customers  in London or the South East.

Brain training that really works


Research has shown us that brain training over a substantial period of time can improve our cognitive and reasoning skills. It may also enhance our attention and memory. These improvements help our general ability to cope with daily activities and performing regular tasks. 

But while most brain training games do help you exercise the brain, they do very little when it comes to improving brain capabilities. And although there are many neurofeedback brain training devices available today, they focus on improving one area of the brain at a time, so there are none that achieve optimal results.

NeurOptimal® is a far advanced, dynamic form of training. It detects and monitors all activity from the brain and optimises the functions of your central nervous system so you can perform at your best.

What is NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback?

NeurOptimal® is an advanced neuro-technology that trains your brain to function at its best.

It’s mathematically designed to communicate directly with your central nervous system and has been called “the most effective bio-hack on this planet”. 


However, with well over three million hours of safe and effective usage worldwide,

NeurOptimal is more than just the hype, it is transforming lives.

Brain training helps build brain function and resilience.

But this innovative form of neurofeedback is not a medical treatment, it's a near-optimal brain training tool, that everyone can benefit from. This cutting edge system monitors the electrical activity of the brain milli-second by milli-second and then gives you important feedback that allows your brain to re-organise itself, to enhance your comfort and performance. 


And when your brain does that, a whole lot of complaints drop away. You feel calmer, clearer, happier and able to function better in your life.


"The NeurOptimal brain trainer is the most powerful and affordable neurofeedback technology available"

Dave Asprey. Founder of Bulletproof


Why NeurOptimal® Brain Training?

NeurOptimal®’s dynamic neurofeedback works by detecting and monitoring brainwave activity and feeding the results directly to your Central Nervous System which enables the brain to improve self regulation and reset habits. It activates the appropriate neural resources to improve brain efficiency.

Effective brain function can transform the way we feel and act. The first thing most will notice is a considerable enhancement in mental clarity. When you achieve a state of mental clarity, you’ll find that other functions become a lot easier. Things like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, anxiety, and brain fog become a thing of the past.

The Neurofeedback system also helps you sleep better. Sleep is a powerful biological driver and helps us unwind before conscious brain activity. When you sleep effortlessly, your brain functions better. Even better, when the body gets adequate sleep, the immune system becomes better at fighting disease, improving overall wellness. 

Neurofeedback helps your brain stay attentive, resets your brain for enhanced function, improves sleep, leading to a better healthier you. Training your brain comes with numerous long-term benefits that help you be your best you.


Start your brain healing journey with NeurOptimal® today.

Hi, I'm Louise and I'm the founder of BrainFiT® Neurofeedback. 


If you've been researching Neurofeedback and struggling to navigate your way through the minefield of options available, I understand your pain! In 2019 I hit 'the wall'.  Suffering from chronic stress, with symptoms of brain fog, throbbing headaches, memory loss and heightened anxiety,  I was desperate to find something that would live up to it's claims and help me feel better. I spent a lot of time (and money) researching and experimenting with different systems and headsets so when I was finally introduced to NeurOptimal® and able to witness my own transformational journey with just 30 days of daily training at home, I was incredibly grateful and knew that my search was over.

Today, as an experienced trainer, instructor and ongoing beneficiary of NeurOptimal® training I am thrilled to be representing the company in the UK. Sharing the many benefits of training with people of all walks of life, and supporting individuals, teams and organisations who are using NeurOptimal® to make positive changes in their lives, their business or their workplace.


At BrainFiT® we are proud to offer training and support to all. So whether you're looking for a solution to transform your own mental health and wellbeing, support a loved one through illness or a difficult diagnosis, or integrate NeurOptimal® within your own business to enhance the benefits your clients already receive from you, I'm excited to support you on this journey,  by providing the information and guidance you need, to help you make the decision that's right for you.

Whatever stage of your journey you're at, we'd love to hear from you,

so please do get in touch!

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Whatever stage of your you're at on your journey to self improvement we'll help you take the next step with a personalised service and ongoing support focussed on helping you to be your best you.


Benefit from personalised training experience with a certified trainer in a safe and comfortable surrounding, and accessible location. We offer a range of competitive packages to suit your goal and budget.


Achieve goals safely and effectively with daily training in the comfort in your own home. NeurOptimal® technology is easy to use with minimal instruction, and safe for everyone in the household. Home and business packages available.


If you are looking to invest in a NeurOptimal® system to use at home, or professionally within your own business we can help you find the best deal, and guide you effortlessly through the process.

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Whether you're a driven corporate individual looking to optimise your mental efficiency, or a clinic owner wishing to integrate NeurOptimal® brain training session as a complimentary way to enhance the benefits you already offer your clients, we have an option to improve quality of life.


There is no limit to how optimised brain function can be advantageous in your career, social life, relationships, family and within yourself

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Support new and existing Client’s development in your own practice by charging per Session. PASS Members also enjoy a free listing on both the worldwide Find a NeurOptimal® Trainer page and our UK website.

Gain the advantage of a more efficiently operating, trained brain, over your competitors. We help individuals, teams and sporting organisations get ahead.

Transform staff wellbeing programmes with a tangible solution that not only supports health and well being of individuals and teams within your business, but improves business performance too.

Work towards improving brain efficiency and mental fitness with the support of neurofeedback training

There is no limit to how optimised brain function can be advantageous in your career, social life, relationships, family and within yourself

Personalised service

As a consultancy we offer a personalised service and flexible training to suit your requirements. Whether you choose to train with us, or rent a system and benefit from unlimited sessions in the comfort of your own home, we will support and guide you through the process to help you get the most from your training.

Session planning tailored to your goals

The number of sessions you need will vary according to your individual goals but we recommend 10+ sessions to "feel better" and pave the way for more later. 20+ sessions for deeper, longer lasting change.

Pick up where you left off

Since NeurOptimal® is a training for the brain, not a treatment, your brain will remember what it's learnt, and where it left off so if you need to stop you can at any time, and pick up again - your sessions will never be wasted.

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